Sunday, December 03, 2006

Unhappy Beat - Things get grim for Beck and the right.

I haven't sorted this out yet. It's clearly not very simple.

I mean, is "Happy Feet" left wing propaganda? Let me mull this over a bisl.

Mmmm.... It does not look good. I am afraid this is going to consume the whole of my Sunday musings on the desperate state of the world. We have untold hot spots in the Muddle West, nukes on the Korean peninsula and soon in the Iranian desert, cancelled ski races in Europe due to climate change, and a dozen other crises keeping me up at night - international and local.

And last night I took a lighthearted break to see "Happy Feet", and it was fun. "Nemo" was better, but both were fun. Take your kids, if you haven't already. Just don't let your guard down, right? (or is that don't let your "Rightguard" down?)

So, this is bothering me? NO, it's just Beck et al ranting and crying "Fowl". (I guess they don't speak "Penguin".)

NO. I think I have it! Beck and the rest of the right wingers in and on the media have taken several big hits. They are sinking in a wash of setbacks, and clutching at straws. I guess they are afraid that Hollywood will get to their children's minds before the kindler, gentler, fair-and-balanced Fox. Not to mention that "Rove lost to Abe", but then, what does the electorate know? Could they be tuning Beck, Rush and Fox out when they "have make intelligent decision?"

Face it folks, they cannot handle the fact that the electorate gave the House and Senate back to the Dems, and that Republicans in all sorts of places are conceeding the merits of climate change, and looking for real answers and solutions.

So, go online and tell Mr Beck he might as well give some time to the "Swift Boat" team. Now that's what I call proper gander!
ps: Forr djor conveniente, 'eez email address:

Go ahead, "Give it a gander"

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