Wednesday, March 14, 2012

This Shabbat at WAM

This Shabbat, Mar 16 and 17th:  

 Special Guest, Rabbi Zvi Friedman, Executive Director of Jewel, an organization associated with Aish HaTorah which reaches out to young Jewish women.  He will spend Shabbat with the West Ashley Minyan, sharing words of Torah throughout his visit.  He will deliver the Dvar Torah at Shabbat morning services and teach the pre-mincha class as well.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

How to make Hammantaschen!

Never mind Romany Cremes, Lemon Cremes, Biltong and Koeksisters!

Here is a chance to  spy on some South African ex-pats who live deep in the American south.  It is well-know that South Africans abroad pine for all things sweet or savory from Afrika.  But who would have predicted that this would include Hammantaschen.

Then again, it's not unusual for me to be "out for lunch".

Enjoy Purim, and bake your own Hammantaschen


Sunday, March 04, 2012

Purim Sameach, Y'all - at a WAM and JCC combo!

The West Ashley Minyan and the Charleston JCC will be hosting a Purim Megillah reading Seudah on Thursday, March 8. There will be a Megillah reading read by Jon Sigman at 11:30 a.m. in the AHA Library followed by lunch at 12 p.m. at the JCC. Lunch will be salad, spaghetti and meat sauce, garlic bread, and Hamentaschen. Please make checks payable to Arlene Rosenthal. Find all the details here and RSVP by February 28!