Sunday, March 16, 2008

Purim Sameach!

BSBI program of events:*

March 20: Fast of Esther. Fast begins at 6:23 am.

March 20, 8:00 pm: BSBI Megillah reading followed by the Sisterhood Purim Party

March 21: Purim. BSBI Megillah reading during morning services.

Also, Purim party/megillah reading at private home; 16 Rebellion Road, beginning at 9:00 am, with the megillah reading at 9:30 am. Costumes or pajamas are welcome.

( * The New WAM will not be holding any Purim functions at the JCC.)

Other Purim events in Charleston

Thursday, March 06, 2008

The West Ashley Minyan is sponsoring this week's kiddush in memory of our beloved Philip Chase, z"l. May Leah and the entire Chase family be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.

Monday, March 03, 2008

In Memoriam

Charleston mourns the passing of Pincus Kolender


Guest book - online