Wednesday, April 26, 2006

DorTikvahCharleston service times

All Shabbat services are at the JCC.

Fri, August 3, Erev Shabbat
7:00 pm “Candle lighting to bring in  Shabbat with the community”
7:00 pm Mincha

Sat, August 4, Parshat Vaetchanan
9:00 am Shacharit
D’var Torah by Ari Daniels
7:10 pm Weekly Parsha Shiur
7:45 pm Mincha
9:01 pm Havdalah
Kiddush Sponsors: 
Marci and David Rosenberg in honor of their children Allan, Rachel and Sammy for all of their unique differences and how much they love them.

General Notes:To contribute to WAM, you can download a donation form here: Chascom form

To sponsor a kiddush, contact Kim Berendt at A regular kiddush sponsorship is $125.00, send payment to New Chascom Fund using form above.
If you would like to chant the haftorah at any service, contact Lenny Zucker at
For announcements to be made during services:
Please send in an email with details before 10 am Friday mornings.
Standing Notices:
1: The eruv is up unless you get an email before Shabbat telling you otherwise.
2: There will be babysitting and children's programming from 9:00-12:00 every Shabbat unless you receive an email before Shabbat telling you otherwise.
The Eruv serving the area of the JCC and the New West Ashley Minyan has been officially certified. Rabbi Barry Freundell from Washington has just completed his official review of the Eruv and it passed with flying colors. Thanks to everyone who helped make the Eruv, with special thanks to Randy Cohen. Anyone interested in helping to inspect the eruv weekly, please contact Randy Cohen (

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