Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Kvatch Kohrner #1 - links to the... .......LIGHT SIDE

I dedicate this section of the blog to my dear Mutti, Eva, for teaching me the word “Quatsch” (I may also spell it “kvatch“ and it rhymes with “much“). As in, “Peter, don’t talk so much quatsch…” Or “Jerry Lewis movies are such quatsch!” That’s not all she did, and doubtless most of it was more important, but more often than not, quatsch was fun, quatsch was cool, quatsch was entertaining!

You don’t believe me! Check it out on the web. I found the following via a German - English dictionary online. "Klik on it, QuatschKopf!"

Now tell me that is not a lengthy list of interesting uses of the term. And it’s not just fun in German. I see no reason the rest of us Anglo speakers should lose out.

“Kvatch” Kohrner: will feature links to amusing stuff on the web. So, if you come across something worth watching or listening to, please let me know via email at etzchayimforum@aol.com. Good taste is not paramount - but it has to be clean, that is, stuff you can look at with your children.

Look forward to hearing from you...

And Be very, very good.

Peter R

Kvatch kohrner - link #1

“(They've) been going in and out of style, but (they're) guaranteed to raise a smile.. “

This posting is not just for Beatle fans, but it is for them, especially.

Klik on it KvatchKopf!


And you kvetch about juggling a schedule?

Links to Pesach fun....
April 2006

For those of you with small children or grandchildren, here are some links you may find useful -




AND . . .
A late breaking addition -

Friday, October 20, 2006
A new Yiddish book promotion.

Gib a kook

with thanks to the friend who first sent me the link . . .

always appreciated

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Editor's Corner: Beyond the "Outback" - My kind of shul...

Rumor has it, no, maybe legend, that the Outback minyan was named for Fred Bielsky’s hat. The steakhouse had just been opened, "No rules, just right" all over TV and the airwaves, so the subculture was attuned to the name, and Crocodile Dundee was somewhere between movie one and movie 2. The name stuck.

We had a lot of good times at the Outback. Mostly we had services on Friday nights - at the Bielsky’s and the Abidor’s, later at the Sherman House, where we were often joined by residents to make up a Minyan. It was around the time Josh, my eldest, had his Bar Mitzvah, and he would often lead the Friday night services. We bused the Sherman House residents to his Bar Mitzvah, they had gotten to know Josh so well. In tandem with a grass-roots program called Shlep (Shabbat Learning and Experience Program), we had a number of very memorable shabbatons in the Rice Hollow area. For the Shabbatons, we were lead by various Rabbis, or the shlichim. I recall sitting into the afternoons at the Bielsky’s, chilling with Rabbi Muken, or with Rabbi Galinsky or Rabbi Radinsky, in turn. Those Shabbat afternoons had a tranquility and joy about them that is rare indeed.

Howard Stein and Stan Chepenik were regulars at the Outback, and one of them created a design for an Outback T shirt - a kangaroo wearing a kippa and tallit - though we never took it any further. I recall thinking, though, that an ad campaign could have gone - "The Outback Minyan, where to get back in...."

Well, we are a ways beyond that, now. If I have the count right, and it is getting harder to remember, we are coming up to the 7th Shabbat for the ...... well, it still doesn’t have a name. I refer to it as the "New West Ashley Minyan", but I am told that the "New WAM" is not going to have the right resonance out there. So we’re having a harder time with the name, this go-round, but let that be our biggest worry.

Last Shabbat, the weather was georgous - (did I just write that? don’t quote me! well, if you must, please use a false name....) so the walk to the Cohen’s for services was invigorating: blue sky, bright sun, crisp, fresh air. Services were overflowing, with people, with singing, with smiles. Yes, we’re well beyond the Outback now,
but it’s still the place you can "get back in"......

Be good,

Peter R

(PS: So, I am back to blogging, and working on some new ideas -
here is the first,
"My kind of shul...."
Check it out, add to it, I dare you!

My kind of SHUL.....

My kind of shul.....

....is just around the corner.

....where to get back in.

At my kind of shul, they don’t kvetch if you’re late..........they’re just happy to see you.

At my kind of shul, all the women are strong, all the men are good-looking, and all the children are above average.....

At my kind of shul, all the whiskey is strong, the food is good-looking, and the singing is above average......

At my kind of shul, the Rabbi is always happy to see everyones’ smiling faces....