Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Global Warning! Squirrels ARE evolving . . .

I know I shouldn't say it, but . . .


Go on, have a look, just a report about a recent scientific study from the Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B (DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2002.2224)

1 comment:

ECF Editor said...

Just in case you got here without clicking on the "I TOLD YOU SO" link, here's what you missed!

Red squirrels evolving with global warming 11:05 12 February 2003 news service
Celeste Biever, Boston

A scientific report linking the science fiction of global warming with genetic changes in squirrels from the dreaded fictional process of "natural selection".

Who knows what to believe these days, I ask you?

Now go back and see what you missed!