Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Goodbye "Cowboy Diplomacy" - - - - - - Hello "Cowgirl Duplicity"

Ever heard of Debra Saunders? Thanks to the Newsless Courier, I finally have.

In the Op-ed section on Monday, Dec 18, the Courier published Miss Debbie's article under the headline - "Revised global warming estimates appear more realistic". To their credit, the editors saw fit to change the headliner from the title used online -

"The cows missed the movie" .

I kid you not, just follow the link, but y'all be sure to come back for more!

The gist of the article is that cows world-wide contribute more to greenhouse gas production than cars - 18% vs 6%. From there, Miss Debbie takes aim at Al Gore, from the front seat of her SUV, with a double cheese burger and fries in her lap, and an automatic carbine poken' out the window for good effect. Indeed, the cows missed the movie, both ways: they were not mentioned in the movie, and they could not have seen the movie to know that they should curb their greenhouse-aggravating emissions. Of course, in the end, it is Miss Debbie who misses the point, as do most rightwing bloviators. Gore may use hyperbole, but his position is being given credence thanks to those Republicans with some measure of integrity, like Gov Schwartzeneger (see Terminator 4 in the Climate Watch) and Sen Lindsay Graham, to name just two. Both of them see the need to do something about man's contribution to greenhouse-gas production.

So, just some tidbits for y'all to chew on and ruminate:

1 Miss Debbie - please be careful. An article like this tends to lend credence to the great science fiction of global warming. The discussion is no longer "if", but "how fast"?

2 Miss Debbie - if you eat less cow meat, its good for your cholesterol AND the invironment.

For more lessons from cows:

The "2 cow method" of understanding global economics

And now for CowPower - this is not just an afterthought from the "Hot Air" department. Learn how some farmers are generating power from methane. ( This online article is geared to education in physics, earth sciences and the environment, and also addresses a few principles of mammalian biology. From the standpoint of journalistic themes, it is interesting to note that this includes discussion of bovine and human burping - and there is a key difference between them. So, check it out.)

Hmmmm. Maybe it is time to rename the Kvetch corner the "Hot Air Department". Indeed, I should do so in honor of Miss Debbie and the rest of the rightwing blowhards.)

1 comment:

ECF Editor said...

As I noted in "Tales from summer camp": "...there is a lot to be said for being a vegetarian. It is healthy. Some say it is better for the environment - cheaper than raising all those cows that generate methane, which is a greenhouse gas, you know! (All roads lead to Rome - All man’s activities lead to greenhouse gases.)" But I hear there are some farmers who are recycling the energy from their cows. Stay tuned