Sunday, December 17, 2006

Jews in the News . . . They say "bad" news comes in 3's.

"What were they thinking?"

and well might you ask.

A Seattle-based Lubavitch Rabbi opened the set with his assertive moves on Christmas Trees at his local airport. (Links to this may be found under the title - "How to win friends..." on the ECF.)

Then, some Rabbis attended an International Holocaust Denial Conference in Iran, and kissed you-know-who. (This link takes you to a new blog by A Dershowitz on Jerusalem post website - see his take on this.)

As Jon Stewart said on the Daily Show, at a Holocaust Deniers Conference, "you probably don't want to be the guy ordering the Kosher meal." (See more on this take - you may be surprised to see exactly where on the web.)

And then, to help the other Sasha Cohen make it back into the news, some city official stirred up another Christmas Carol storm-in-a-tea-cup.

Talk about finding creative ways of generating bad press!

The take home message is this: some people's actions are so outrageous, that their viewpoints represent nothing more than kvatch. In some cases, we should afford such people only disdain, but as for the Rabbis who attended the conference in Iran, we should settle for nothing less than their complete isolation. not just from the religious community, but from the wider community of civilized nations as well.

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