Wednesday, August 12, 2009

WAM announces . . . .


WAM has confirmed August 29th as their first
Scholar-in-Residence Shabbat.

Rabbi Yehoshua (Scottie) Steinman will be coming from Boca Raton, Florida, to spend Shabbat with WAM. He will participate in Saturday morning services and give a short sermon. There will then be kiddush followed by lunch, with an address from Rabbi Steinman during desert. If there are any specific topics you would like to hear, please let Nick ( know.

In order to keep costs down for the lunch, WAM's event organizers are again asking for volunteers to help shop, prepare and cook. We are trying to determine when would be most convenient for this - either Thursday afternoon (between 1:00pm and 3:30 pm) or Friday morning (between 8:30 and 11:00am.) The more volunteers we have, the quicker we will get through the work. Please let Arlene ( know what your preference is.

Your check will be your reservation - $10 per adult and $5 for children between 4 and 13, capped at $25 per family. Make your check out to
Arlene Rosenthal and mail it to
2221 Portside Way, Charleston, SC 29407.

Thanks and looking forward to everyone participating.

Arlene, Edie, Janet, Marcie, Nick and Randy

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