Sunday, August 23, 2009

Scholar-in-Residence August 2009

Rabbi Yehoshua Steinman
of Boca Raton, Florida

Sponsored in memory of
Celia and Sol Cohen
by the Cohen families

A brief synopsis by Nathan Kirshstein

The first of the monthly Scholar in Residence Program of the West Ashley Minyan at the JCC was a resounding success. Rabbi Steinman, who has a Masters degree in Special Education, gave three talks, one during services Shabbos morning, a women’s class in the afternoon, and d’var torah at Shalosh Seudos.

For me, the most challenging of the discussions was at Shalosh Seudos, where he talked about leaders in the community. It is not only the job of leaders to inspire the community but (for) the community to inspire the leaders. We all too often hear of a “lack of leadership” in a community but it is also the congregation’s responsibility to “push” the leaders to movement. It takes good followers to make good leaders and it takes good leaders to make good followers; it is a symbiotic relationship.

The best part of the first “Climbing the Ladder” series was the camaraderie of the “WAM” (West Ashley Minyan); in fact, that is what makes every Shabbos at WAM so meaningful. Rabbi Steinman fit right in. The food was terrific, with the best Cholent (next to my wife’s - she might be reading this!) prepared by Marcie Rosenberg and her sou-chefs.

This would all have been impossible without the foresight of Arlene Rosenthal, who came up with idea of a monthly luncheon after Shabbos services.

The first monthly scholar-in-residence program was sponsored by the Sol and Celia Cohen Foundation, who were instrumental in Jewish education in Charleston, and through their foundation’s generosity, The West Ashley Minyan at the JCC was able to get a great start to the “Climbing the Ladder” Series. Also, thanks to Nick Muzin for asking Rabbi Steinman to come in and for hosting him.

I can’t wait for the next one . . .

It is only going to get better.

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