Friday, July 07, 2006

Climate Watch (Originally "This millenium's most important movie")

Eco updates:

(originally a post about Al Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" ***)

Update July 8, 2007:

I have another article from my Climate Watch Correspondent, and most-frequent-blog-visitor, who wishes-to-remain-anonymous. Like many who feel global warming is overhyped, he is not a Gore-o-phile. Nor am I, particularly. However, the anti-Gore lobby seems to like smacking Gore down without necessarily addressing the heart of the matter. Look at this article. All sorts of points Gore has made are apparently bogus:

Article: Alarmist global warming claims melt under scientific scrutiny
June 30, 2007
BY JAMES M. TAYLOR* - Link (* I assume he is no relation to the singer/songwriter)

Somewhere in the article, you might think, you would see some formal statement of a balanced view, at least assuming the author has a balanced view. But there is none. It's just a listing of Gore's questionable statements.

So, let's frame it simply and clearly: CO2 in the atmosphere is higher than it has ever been, and this is a fact based on scientific testing of the polar ice-cores. CO2 levels have not been proven to be a climate leader, but of all the things that influence climate, it may be the ONLY element we humans have influence on. We don't control sunspots and cosmic rays, the earth's orbital tilt, or other things that may influence climate. We do, however, have an impact on CO2 levels.

The key question is whether we should take a chance and ignore this element, or not. I believe the reasonable position is that we act like we are the custodians of this planet. We need to achieve sustainable progress for all of mankind. And the US needs to lead with dignity.

So, dumping on Gore is fun, but avoids the larger questsion. And what is amusing is to note that Gore bashers like to do the following: 1) To point out that global warming may be good, as we will be able to populate and farm Greenland; - 2) Avoid noting they have left the prior question - is climate change / global warming real? in preferrence for - Yes, it's occuring, but not as fast as Gore et al say. (See also: Goodbye "Cowboy Diplomacy" - Hello "Cowgirl Duplicity" elsewhere in the EC Forum)

In Taylor's article, global warming is said to increase wind-shear, reducing hurricane development. Oh, so global warming is real after all? Or weren't we supposed to notice this linguistic "sleight of hand"? As always, you can have your cake, or you can (h)eat it.

Addendum: July 13th, 2007: Gore did state in his movie that climate change would include more weather extremes - droughts here, floods there. I'm sure you've seen news from recent floods. Here's a piece about a recent record drought.


Update Feb 26, 2007:

Next time you buy a car, consider this.


*** Post under reconstruction:

The original title of this post was:

"This millenium's most important movie" and it began like this -

"Remember Al Gore? His movie, "An Inconvenient Truth" may be the most important movie you will ever see! If we care about our future, it has to include caring about our world.

I will donate $18 to a Jewish institution in Charleston, SC, for each of the first 10 people (limit 1 per family) who email me at that they have gone to see this movie in response to this posting.

Your comments will be appreciated, and please include which institution you wish the donation to go to."

Well, there weren't too many takers, but there were some comments - see below.

Update #10 Jan 3, 2007

Here is a composite of a series of maps from the webpage of US Museum of Natural History.

Geography vs Wealth vs Population vs CO2 emissions.

Note the correspondence of wealth and emissions - can the US reasonably "not" lead the way?


Update #9 December 6th, 2006
Evolution, squirrels and Global Warming collide!


Update #7 August 31, 2006

This was an important news update, about a new Trans-Atlantic Alliance: Ecological, economic, and forward-looking.

I decided to call it -

"Terminator 4"

Yes!!! You got it right! "Global warming" is little more than Science Fiction - Just ask . . . .

"Ze Terrminaderr . . ."


Update Feb 21, 2007:

Abominable Snowman spotted in Chicago.

Locals don't seem to mind ->



Anonymous said...

Check out the following Wall Streek Journal article before going to this movie. There is hardly a scientific consensus.

ECF Editor said...

ahem, let me say again - see the movie, then make your comments.

Well, just kidding, all comments are fine, whether you have seen it or not - but should one not see something before one judges it?

Also, I am not intent on debating whether Al Gore can be trusted.

Let's grapple with the issues - is CO2 in the atmosphere going up? What is the explanation? If it is not due to human activity, what is it due to? What level of certainty will be acceptable to make decisions?

I submit that there are sufficient indications that we should be concerned about climate change due to green house gases, and that this should affect our thinking and behaviour - as individuals and as a society.