Friday, November 24, 2006

"Love" - how long will it last?

Some say it will last forever,
that it is all you need,
and it will keep us together,
some say it was just a summer,
and then again, that you can't buy it.

But for a short time you could have heard the whole CD on AOL Radio.

And while the "Love" CD contains remixes of stuff you all know well, there is a song that you have not heard this way before - "While my guitar gently weeps" in an acoustic solo version by George Harrison, with a rich orchestral score making it quite "Something". This track used an early take of Harrison's monumental song, and Sir George Martin wrote the orchestral backdrop for the Cirque du Soliel show now running in Vegas.

Also, as a public service, here are some other links:

1) to McCartney selections
2) to the Beatles on AOL radio
3) to an article wrapping up a view of the Beatles in Time's Top 100 of the previous millenium,

for those who are so inclined.

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