Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Ruach of the Outback returns . . .

If you ask Rabbi Galinsky about the Outback Minyan, he will tell you about one of the most memorable experiences of Shabbat he has ever had. It was a Shabbaton held in the Rice Hollow subdivision, just a stone’s throw from the JCC. It probably included Shlep - the Shabbat Learning and Experience Program. In addition to a full round of Shabbat services from Friday through Saturday evening, there was a kiddush that people never left. The children played and played out in the Bielsky backyard, and the adults sat and talked with each other, and with the Rabbi. There was an atmosphere of contentment you could see and feel.

Well, I am happy to report that that special ruach (spirit or atmosphere - literally "breath") is well and truly back. It can be found not far from where it was before, and just like before, it is drawing new faces to the scene.

You know, when BSBI was pretending to discuss its location options, some liked to say, "Who is going to become shomer shabbat" if the shul moved to the JCC? I don’t know. I don’t go prying into what people do in their private lives.

But I get a thrill out of leaving new West Ashley services and seeing a throng of families with young children strolling home. I am not strictly shomer shabbat, but I prefer walking to shul . . . . from my home.

Could there be more people out there like me?

You betcha!

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