Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Lebanese question . . . .

Israel Watch - 2007

Israel Watch - Update #8: July 30th, 2007

An article in NY Times Sunday Magazine - couple of weeks back, but still worth reading: especially the section saying this: there are 3 things one might want for Israel - democracy, a Jewish state, and greater Israel - any 2 of the 3 can be achieved, but not all 3. Here, from a article about Tzipi Livni.

Isreal Watch - Update #7: March 26, 2007
Condi gets it right, according to article in J Post

Israel watch - Update #6 February 22, 2007

Appeal for action on Antisemitism from Natan Sharansky

Israel watch - Update #5 December 2006:

Carter publishes book, and academics strike back.

Israel watch - Update #4 December 2006:

Lebanon again teeters on the brink of civil war -
Can the center hold?

Israel watch - Update #3 November 2006

Diplomatic activity reported in the Jerusalem Post ____________________________________

ORIGINAL POST: (posted at the beginning of the ceasefire)

The Lebanese question:

More like, the question for Lebanon - when the dust settles and rebuilding is under way, will they want to let Hizballah put them through this again? Pure self-interest dictates that they will not. There are hints of this in the news already.

Check this out: JPost quoting Nasralla: (Link to article with this quote)

In a televised address on Monday night, Nasrallah declared that now was not the time to debate the disarmament of his guerrilla fighters, saying the issue should be done in secret sessions of the government to avoid serving Israeli interests.

"This is immoral, incorrect and inappropriate," he said. "It is wrong timing on the psychological and moral level particularly before the cease-fire," he said in reference to calls from critics for the guerrillas to disarm.

The article speculates that Hizballah will keep its weapons - but I think you can already read the signs between the lines.


Update #1: August 28, 2006

In keeping with what was said in this entry originally (see below), there are changes taking place for the better in Lebanon. There are reasons for optimism. Israel's actions, characterized by some as "disproportionate", are having the desired effect. This is apparent in some of the reports I have linked to below, but especially to this one quoting Nasrallah, who said he would not have approved the cross-border action that started this war in Lebanon, if he had known Israel would respond with such a vigorous campaign.

It is essential that the following principles be recognised as forming the legal basis of self-defense applicable to all nations:

1) It is every nation's duty to control the actions of all their residents (citizens and non-citizens alike) in regard to protecting the people and property of other nations, wherever they may be.

2) That such nations that fail to do this, and which permit the conduct of terrorist actions in or from within their territories, may be subject to ligitimate deterrent and punitive actions, including military actions targeting not only military assets, but material resources and infrastructure.

3) The actions of nations exercising their rights of self-defense in response to unprovoked attacks should be deliberate, and should be directed, as far as possible, to minimize the loss of innocent lives.

In such a context, Israel's actions did not consititute the indiscriminate, collective punishment of the Lebanese people and / or state, but legitimate actions of self-defence under international law.

In regard to legal issues, see Alan Dershowitz's article countering the position of Amnesty International on the issue of defining war crimes.

(Amnesty tries to make amends 9-14-06 - Hizballah war crimes.)

For other reports regarding changes on the ground, use the links below to more articles in the Jerusalem Post online.

Hizballah tears down operation sites near the Shaba farms

IDF uncovers Hizballah bunker.

And get an update on the Shaba farms: which brings into focus the status of Lebanon vs Syria.

Israel watch - Update #2: Sept 7, 2006

Responding to the accusations of "collective punishment" and "disproportionate response" in Lebanon:

Let's keep the record straight.
See this letter to Time
(scroll to "Why Such Discontent?"
at the bottom of
this page.)

To see the original article -

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