Monday, February 25, 2008

"One swallow does not make a summer . . . "

From the

Look, it's not one of my favourite sayings, but see if you can find anything more appropriate. I bet you can't!

You see, those folks who think SUV's are the car of the present, and the future, who think Al Gore has less direction than a headless chicken, after one colder-than-average winter, they want to declare a new Ice Age.

So that's why I say, "One cold winter doesn't make an ice age", just like "One swallow doesn't make a summer." Maybe we shouldn't count our chickens before they hatch! Or is it "Look before you leap?"

Then again, maybe they have a point. I mean, right now nothing is cooling quite as fast as the US economy! I hear the Canadians are sitting smugly by their electric fires, drinking gluvine and enjoying the lowest unemployment since Watergate! (See my letter to Time, or my letter in Time! ) It seems when things get bad here, the Canadians enjoy an upswing. Could there be something behind it? Or should I say, "Could their something be behind it?" You know, like "responsive government?" I'm only asking . . .

But let's be honest. When it comes to recession, we need to consult an expert. Let's ask Mr Greenspan who's to blame for this impending recession? I mean, he got it right the last time!

In the meantime, there is Trouble in Toyland. Monopoly has become embroiled in the piece process in the Middle East, and the touchy issue of the final status of Jerusalem. (Do not pass go, Do not collect $200?) I think its time we extended the boycott of Fisher Price to Parker Brothers. (Now that's what I call - "No Parking!")

And now Hillary is circulating pictures of Obama in a turban: now that is scary. Not Obama in the turban, but Hillary stooping to send the picture round by email. Now I've heard of Desperate Dan, could this be Hysterical Hillary? By the way, if you're looking for a good investment now that Romney's packed it in, I hear the market is bullish on Spoilers!

Actually, Hillary's not the only one worried about Obama. There seem to be lots of people buying stock in cotton balls, they're so scared Barack might win the nomination and the presidency. Some people worry that he will turn us all into Canadians - which doesn't seem so bad to me. I always said that Canada is just like the US, except it has a filter.

And for the record, Feb 20th was the Forum's 2nd anniversary. L'Chayim!
PS - on a more serious note, here is some material on Obama and Israel that is worth reviewing.
For more on politics in the Forum:
see "Political Fan mail" where I first presented my letter to Time!
and "Caring for the Health of our Politics"

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