Sunday, October 14, 2007

Recognizing the New WAM

While recognition of the New West Ashley Minyan by BSBI continues to be controversial in some quarters, Google recognizes this blog, for its ardent recognition and support of WAM.

Why not try it out - just do regular google searches, like:
wam charleston
west ashley minyan
minyan charleston
(By the way - remember, Charleston has the -on, minyan has the -an)

And on another front, did you see the realtor's ad for a house near the JCC in the Charleston Jewish Voice? "great access to the JCC and the New West Ashley Minyan". But, don't quote me . . .

and one last thing, if you haven't heard the DJ on radio W.A.M., just ask Chuckles Steinert to give you a sampler of his wonderful shpiel. Shtey toon'd!

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