Sunday, June 17, 2007

A sense of humus . . .

Generally a good thing, a sense of humor, and humus too. Here is the round up for Father's Day, 2007:

Item #1: First major spat at the new WAM - the disagreement might split the (sides of the) congregation. It's all about when to do the announcements. About a month ago, at one of our highly irregular business meetings, a suggestion was made to move announcements to the spot ahead of the Mussaf services. As usual, I was the lone dissenter - my feeling is, as we bid farewell to the Torah, slowly closing the ark, singing an inspiring melody, all are standing, all are peacefully focused: the time is perfect for a heartfelt davening of the Mussaf. It's an artistic issue, really. If William Shakespear were Jewish, and alive to take part in the debate, he'd be on my side, there can be little question. And this is especially true given the wit and flare brought to the announcements by the WAM Radio DJ, Charlie ("Chuckles") Steinert.

Now, new as we are to such things, a friend of mine persists in taking the opposite view. So certain is he that he is right, that he promised to find a referrence for his position in the Chumash! This, while we are in the midst of the Torah service just yesterday! Well, after the Haftorah reading, he leans over to me to show me. He points out where the Mussaf sacrifices are listed in the Stone Chumash, then turns back a page, and shows me where Moses ordains that Joshua should have the honor to address the Israelites. "See," he says gleefully, "the address comes before the Mussaf." Case closed!

Well, not really. You see, I think it is quite clear that the address refers to the rabbi's sermon. And indeed, in most congregations, the traditional spot for the sermon is right after the Torah service, and before Mussaf. So, I say, the citation does not prove my friends' point, at all. You should have seen the look he gave me, for raining on his parade! But we sat together at the Kiddush anyway, at least for now.

Item #2: The search for presidential courage. Now don't be misled, this does not refer to the leadership of BSBI, though heaven knows there is a need for courage there too. No, I think you should read the current issue of Time, where Joe Klein discusses some pointers that may help decide whom to vote for in 2008. Food for thought - Please review at your leisure, and come back and read it later, if you need to stay focused as the campain progresses. I liked the illustration that headed the article, reproduced for you here without permission as a not-for-profit public service:

Finally, item #3 - At my kind of shul*, everyone has a sense of humus, and bagels, and egg-salad, and M and M's . . . And when Father's Day follows the Sabbath, as it usually does, who can hold to a diet! Happy Father's Day, julle**!

* See "At my kind of shul . . . " And "At my kind of shul, a mother's day reprise"

**"Julle" is "Ya'll" in Afrikaans

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