Friday, May 18, 2007

Where can you see more unity?

. . . . than at a BSBI meeting?

And if you see a Cheetah in your midst, how come there's also some dude wearing a Yankee bandana spoiling the view?

Ag Man! Game watching is just not what it used to be!

Update: May 28, 2007: Leopard caught chasing cat in residence in the Negev. Oy Vey !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While I generally agree with your article, I feel that we have some very capable people representing WAM, and we should wait another few weeks to see what they come up with before deciding our future efforts. Those who are currently making up the "rules" as they go are so intent on "winning" that they have probably forgotten why they are doing all this. We are trying to save Orthodox Judaism in Charleston. As someone else put it, "they just don't get it." Eventually they may.