Rabbi Beni Krohn (the director of JROC, Jewish Renaissance of Charleston) and his wife Chani will be joining WAM next Shabbat, August 27-28.
Over Shabbat, the Krohns look forward to meeting each and every one of us at WAM. Additionally, Rabbi Krohn will deliver the drasha and give a shiur before mincha. Chani will lead a women's learning group on Shabbat afternoon.
Rabbi Krohn hails from Newton, Mass. He studied in Yeshivat Shaalvim in Israel before receiving a BA in Psychology from Yeshiva College at YU. Last year he graduated from RIETS (Rabbi Isaac Elchana Theological Seminary) at YU, while working both as a Judaic Studies teacher at the Bat Torah Academy as well as serving as the Rabbinic Intern at Cong. Beth Aaron in Teaneck, NJ.
Chani comes from Teaneck, NJ. She attended Midreshet Mevaseret Yerushalayim in Israel before receiving her BS in Biology from Stern College. She has a BSN from NYU College of Nursing and worked as a Home Care Nurse for the Valley Hospital.
The Krohns have two children, Sarah, who will be three in September, and Moshe who is 11 months. Sarah will attend Addlestone in the Fall.
A message from Rabbi Krohn about JROC:
JROC was formed with the vision of bringing Torah education to as many Jews in Charleston as possible. The greatest challenge that JROC faces is to reach all members of our diverse community, as every single Neshama is equally important in G-d's eyes. Therefore, in addition to our work with BSBI, the College of Charleston, and the general Charleston Jewish Community, a major focus of JROC is to revamp and increase the educational opportunities that presently exist. Together with Rabbi Sytner, JROC will be presenting a brand new schedule of Shiurim - with classes meeting almost every night and in every location. There will be introductory classes for beginners, as well as in-depth classes for the more advanced learners. I will also be available for one-on-one learning for anyone that is interested. Together with my wife Chani, and our children Sarah and Moshe, we will be visiting all of the locations for Shabbat, in order to allow us to connect with everyone on a personal level. Whether we are visiting your home for Shabbat, or studying in a different location during the week, we look forward to forging strong personal connections with you and your families. Please feel free to schedule a study session, or suggest a topic for study by emailing me at:
bykrohn@gmail.comBest wishes to Rabbi Krohn and his family